Mastitis is a bacterial disease, uncommon but occasionally encountered and can spread quickly in the rabbitry.
The condition usually show injuries of the doe’s breasts, it become inflamed, swollen, and may turn bluish if the disease get worst. The doe will suffer from loss of appetite and may have fever as high as 1050F.
The condition usually show injuries of the doe’s breasts, it become inflamed, swollen, and may turn bluish if the disease get worst. The doe will suffer from loss of appetite and may have fever as high as 1050F.
the treatment as quick as possible to reduce the infection. Reduce milk
production by cutting back on feed concentrates. Inject 75,000-100,000 units of
penicillin into the muscle twice daily for three to five days.
In worse cases it is best to cull the doe and
its litter. Don’t try to move the kits from an infected doe to a healthy one
this is to prevent the spread of infection. Clean and disinfect the cage and
equipment (especially the nest box).