Rabbit’s diseases: Prevention and treatment - Coated Breasts

Coated Breasts

The doe’s breasts are sore and refuse to nurse her litter or after a sudden weaning. Soreness is cause by milk that was not removed completely from the breast.

Hard knots form on the sides of the nipples and when you open the knot dried milk revealed. The breasts also become clogged.

Use oil of camphor and rubbed it twice daily up to three or five days to break up and removed the dried milk.

Do not wean the young suddenly. Just in case the litter dies or lost, check and observe the doe for symptoms because this often leads to mastitis infections.

§  Pasteurellosis                                                 
§  Pneumonia     
§  Enteritis
§  Mastitis
§  Ear Mites
§  Fur-mites
§  Diarrhea
§  Rabbits minor diseases           

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