Rabbits minor and uncommon diseases

Rabbit may sneeze when it water gets up to its nose while drinking, or it may have an allergy to something in the area such as hay dust, perfumes and other strong scents irritants.

In malocclusion the rabbit’s teeth are overgrown. This can be through a genetic problem or caused by the rabbits hoicking its teeth out of alignment by pulling on the cage wire.
With this genetic defect rabbits can’t grind and knead their food properly.

This is an incontinence that rabbit suffers caused by urine stains that burns its skin.

Red urine
This is not a disease actually this is about the rabbits diet which is not much to problem at all. It doesn’t actually contain blood and its normal for a rabbits urine can manifest itself in a veritable rainbow of colors without it being problematic. Red urine is caused by alkaline and Alfalfa hay. The red color comes from phenolic compounds (tannins) which are found in forages and feed ingredients.

Wet dewlap
This is caused rabbits dragging its dewlap through her water crock. You will observe dewlap with changing color of the skin to a dark green and a distinct odor is associated with this condition. Aid it by applying antibiotic cream or ointment to that area. To prevent dewlap raise the water crock up off the floor 4 to 5 inches to aid in preventing them dragging their dewlap through the water crock. You can also place a small rubber ball into the crock to force the rabbit to drink from the edge of the bowl/crock or use automatic water feeder for total prevention and sanitation.

Stress can have a great impact to your rabbits health conditions. This is something that you should not overlook. Stresses were caused by stubbornness, sudden change in temperature, being jumpy and nervous, and delivery status. If you noticed your rabbit going through one of these stresses you can aid them with these remedies: Mix one part Gatorade to four parts water and give as drinking water to add electroytes or you can add one or two teaspoons of Tang to a gallon of drinking water.

Note: If you’re not comfortable about the medication on this site it is always best to bring your rabbit to a trusted vet if you feel that the illness is beyond your knowledge and capabilities.

§  Pasteurellosis                                                 
§  Pneumonia     
§  Enteritis
§  Mastitis
§  Ear Mites
§  Fur-mites
§  Diarrhea
§  Rabbits minor diseases           

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