Rabbit’s diseases: Prevention and treatment - Sore Hocks

Sore Hocks

Sores hocks on rabbit’s feet can cause death especially to those heavy-weight rabbits. It usually caused by wire floored cages.

Place the rabbit with sores on solid and smooth flooring or on the ground until the condition treated. Provide a flat board and dry bedding material you also apply zinc or iodine ointments to prevent any further infections.

Cull rabbits with worst cases because the treatment only works temporarily. Eliminate wires that stick out of cages and floors and keep the floor dry. Follow a strict sanitation routine.

§  Pasteurellosis                                                 
§  Pneumonia     
§  Enteritis
§  Mastitis
§  Ear Mites
§  Fur-mites
§  Diarrhea
§  Rabbits minor diseases           

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