Health and protection against diseases

As they always said “prevention is better than cure”. Being a responsible rabbit owner means to know the different rabbit’s diseases and preventions. I hate to say this but if you’re a real rabbit lover then you should have knowledge of precautions about something might go wrong to your rabbit. Health issue is a serious matter that if you don’t take it on the right way it may be too late for your rabbit. I point out below some of important things to consider for your rabbit’s health and illness protection.

1.    Regular cleaning is the first step to do against diseases.
2.    Daily exercise makes for a healthy and happy rabbit.
3.    Let your rabbits feel the sunlight and air. Put them outside for a while if they show of feeling slothful.
4.    A well-ventilated area is a must to prevent your rabbit from prostration and other health and behavioral problems.
5.    Keep the litter clean and free from any unnecessary objects like dust or even waste and urine.
6.    Avoid overcrowding, chances of fast spread of disease and infections may occur.
7.    Keep you rabbits from disturbances that make them jumpy or nervous. That sometimes caused them injury or hurt their kits if their kindling.
8.    Watch out for sudden weather changes, rabbits may get sick if exposed into extreme weather conditions.
9.    Eliminate rabbit’s waste that stuck on cages, parasites and bacteria will occur that cause diseases. Urine is also not good for your rabbit’s health particularly to newborn.
10.  Avoid feeding your rabbits with cabbage, broccoli, kale, kohlrabi, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts they may cause enteritis. Diarrhea is usually from sudden change of rabbit’s diet.
11.  Don’t use dirty straw in rabbit cages that might be crawled by insects and rats. Chances are that it might be contaminated with their waste and urine that can cause disease or allergy.
12.  Keep rabbit food away from insects, rats, and dust. They may contaminated or damp the feeds.
13.  Keep feeding materials free from any dirt and molds. Avoid using heavy bowls, can, and crocks that easily became unsanitary.
14.  House pets and other animals may carry disease, be careful of letting your rabbits exposed with them.
15.  Overfeeding of leafy green vegetables often leads to diarrhea, and too many pellets or sugary fruits can lead to other health problems.
16.  Don’t attempt to mate your rabbit when it’s not in good condition.
17.  Beware of bringing or borrowing rabbits for any purposes, they might have diseases that can spread in your rabbitry.
18.  Don’t tolerate your rabbits from chewing anything inside the cage. This is a sign of behavioral problems that leads to sickness or injury.
19.  Strictly use feeding utilities for a single rabbit only.
20.  Provide an emergency first aid kit for your rabbit.
21.  If rabbit shows sign of illness, isolate them from the herds with its own feeding materials.
22.  Finally, immediately bring your rabbit to your trusted vets if the illness is beyond your knowledge and capabilities.

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