How to breed rabbit

Breeding process is one of the most interesting processes for a rabbit owner. It requires effective preparation and flow of work to make a good breeding stock. Make sure that everything is prepared for the whole process. The buck and doe should be in healthy conditions before the breeding process start. The steps below will help you in breeding process with an ease.

1.     Check the buck and doe’s health status see if they are completely ready for breeding. If you find something unusual on their behavior let them relieve for a moment. Behavioral problems may affect the buck’s capacity for mating while the doe may occur problems during kindling. You should let them rest and cure them if they’re sick or you may also opt to choose another one.

2.     Put the doe in buck’s cage. It is necessary that doe is the one you will move out on its cage into the buck’s cage rather than the buck into the doe’s cage. This is to prevent the doe to be aggressive and let keep the buck undistracted and comfortable in mating.

3.     Let them together for half –hour to one hour. It’s better to do this during morning or late afternoon.

4.     The pregnancy will last from 28-32 days and you have a plenty of time to prepare the needs of the incoming baby rabbits.

5.     Take an extra care for the doe, feed her well and don’t do anything that will make her injured. Keep her happy and don’t let her get nervous if you plan to check on her.

6.     If you notice that the doe were starting to full her fur this is a sign that she’s near to give birth. Check the nestbox and add some materials like hay to help her arrange the nest properly.

7.     After giving birth double the doe’s food supply to keep her provide enough milk for the kits.

8.     Keep checking the kits in a way that you don’t distract the doe. In just 10 days the kits will open their eyes and you must take an extra care for them too.

9.     After three to four weeks the kits are ready to wean from the mother. Give some time for the doe before putting her on breeding again.

10.  Finally keep all the records during the breeding process, like counting the days religiously to track the pregnancy. Valid and useful information is great reference to make sure that you don’t miss anything if you will put your rabbits in breeding next time.

You may want to check my facts about rabbit to get some useful hints for breeding process. Choosing the right breed is important when determining your purpose of raising rabbit. Check out also my articles about how to care baby rabbits to ensure that none of the newly born kits died due to negligence and insufficient information.

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