Rabbit for pet: Choosing rabbit as your pet

Rabbit is a popular pet because of their characteristic of being gentle and you don’t have to spend too much for their needs. They are also fun to raise and such a great companion indoors.
Like my pet buddies I was enjoyed playing with them every weekend especially my rabbit buddies. One thing that I adore about rabbit is they’re not making any irritable noise just a quiet fur ball roaming around my room.

I like white rabbits, not because its name was also the name of my favorite sweet candy but I have 10 reasons why I love them so much. It is also important to consider your rabbit’s breed, you can choose from different variations such as size, fur and ears. Small size rabbit takes less space. I do have a neatherland dwarfs, I can take them anywhere even on my own room and outdoors. If you like to show your pet on contest choose angora, chinchilla, and rex which are best for fur and for cute one choose dutch and lop. There are lots of breed to choose take some time before choosing the right breed that best for you.

Pet can benefit us especially rabbit not only by profiting them but they can ease our stress and sometimes relieve our uncertainty. We can give back our thanks to them by giving them good care, provide their needs and keeping them indoors most of the times. Take note that rabbit have a lifespan of about 8 – 10 years or more if they were cared properly so be prepared to care and love your rabbit in a long run.

I provided some helpful facts about a rabbit pet that can help to care them properly.

Socialized type of pet
Rabbit is a socialized type animal, they can be a great companion not only into its owner but also with other house pet. But I take extreme supervision when my rabbit is with my house dog, especially when they are playing. They still have an animal instinct that may result of attacking each other that may cause behavioral problems, injury or even death. So watch them closely and build a friendly relationship when they are with the other house pet.

You can also teach your rabbit to do some tricks like calling their own name or to use their litter box. But to tell you the truth, it is not that easy and it will try your patience and effort before you teach them some tricks.

Hutch for your pet
Aside from providing food and feeding utilities, consider the hutch of your rabbit. Make sure it is comfortable and have enough space where they can move around. I don’t use thin wires for the floor; instead I used clean wires that are comfortable enough for my rabbit’s feet with a well-fixed litter box. Find out more about hutch and cages for your rabbit pet.

Give them a place to play and run
As part of your rabbit’s daily routine it is great to give them a place where they can run, hop and play where they can have an exercise to keep them healthy. Taking them outside will eliminate their slothful feeling inside their hutch. I used to give my rabbit things that they can play with. I also provide specialized playground for them, a wide pen with green grass on the ground. And if you let them run inside the pen make sure that the place is free from trash like plastic that they may chew and cause indigestion. Rabbits love to feel the ground on their feet and keep running and chasing each other and they need fresh air and a place where they can run free. If you want find out more about building a pen follow my link on how to build a good and protective fence for your rabbit.

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