Rabbit’s diseases: Prevention and treatment

A responsible rabbit owner should know the different rabbit’s diseases, symptoms, treatments and preventions. In case there’s something go wrong to your rabbit, you can aid them immediately before the condition goes worst. It is also a good idea to provide your own first aid medical kit for your rabbitry, which include frequently used tools and material for treating injuries and ailments.

Eliminate rabbits with persistent or severe diseases problems so that they will not spread the disease such as bacterial diseases like pasteurellosis. If any rabbit shows signs of infection they should be culled from the herds. Immediately bring your rabbit to your trusted vets if the illness is beyond your knowledge and capabilities. As I said health issue is a serious matter that if you don’t take it on the right way it may be too late for your rabbits.

I classified below the common rabbit’s diseases, their treatments and preventions. See also the categorized domestic rabbits diseases and parasites for reference.

§  Pasteurellosis                                                 
§  Pneumonia     
§  Enteritis
§  Mastitis
§  Ear Mites
§  Fur-mites
§  Diarrhea
§  Rabbits minor diseases           

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