Rabbit’s diseases: Prevention and treatment - Pasteurellosis

Pasteurellosis (snuffles, cold)

It is a bacterial infection cause by rabbit’s low resistance that makes a chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes of the lungs. This is a highly transmittable disease that may put your rabbitry in risk of infection. Carriers of the disease have bacterial organism in their nasal cavities and can transmit it to a healthy rabbit. You can use numerous antibiotics but there are no cures that develop until now.

Sign of symptoms were usually sneezing and cough. Mucus comes out from nose and eyes and when rubs it will dry and felted on rabbits feet. The best that you can do against pasteurella is prevention.

In early stages use sulfaquinoxaline or other sulfa drugs just comply with the label directions and follow a control program of tetracyclines to prevent a recurrence of the disease. Add .25% sulfaquinoxaline in rabbits feed for three or four weeks or in drinking water for two or three weeks. It may reduce transmission of the disease to young rabbits.

Eliminate drafty, damp, unsanitary conditions in the rabbitry. Follow a strict sanitation routine. Isolate the infected or cull to stop the spread of infection.

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